Screenwriting, copywriting, & media journalism.

Meet the freelancer…

Download Taylor’s freelancer resume to discover what she is currently doing as a writer, content creator, and social media manager.

She is more than just an artist, she is a creative who brings unique skills to every single job she does, which is why she loves every challenge that is thrown her way.

See some of Taylor’s work.

  • Taylor McIntyre Travel Blogger

    Travel Insights

    Working with agencies and luxury tour operators, Taylor is an expert at researching and reporting on the most unique destinations and best hidden gems worldwide.

  • Media Journalism

    Taylor McIntyre has written dozens of articles for Screen Rant, the entertainment news outlet reporting on all things movies, TV, video games, and film theories.

  • Taylor McIntyre Writer

    Lifestyle Expertise

    As a freelancer, Taylor has collaborated with brands and individuals to create lifestyle blogs, social media posts, and informative articles about everything from solo female travel to financial independence to restaurant recommendations.

Work With Tay

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